05/13/2024 | FITNESS

Let’s Talk About Planning

In more than 50 years of my fitness crusade, I cannot count how many times I’ve heard people say they are planning on starting to train or planning on starting a diet. Everybody who plans has good intentions, but let’s be honest about what it really is. Read more

04/02/2024 | FITNESS

Get My Free 115 Page Workout Guide!

I was lucky to have fantastic coaches and mentors to show me the way. I’ve spent the rest of my life paying them back by showing millions of people the way to health and fitness. Read more

02/07/2024 | FITNESS

Let’s All Say it Together: Not This Year!

43 percent. That’s how many people give up on the resolutions they set at the beginning of the new year by February. We’ve got a special deal right now: if you join The Pump app and sign up for an annual membership, you get a $100 gift. Read more

01/01/2024 | FITNESS

The Pump App is Now Open to You!

In April, we soft-launched my app, the Pump, and all 5,000 spots sold out in 72 hours without ever sharing on social media. We spent the last 8 months building and improving based on input from those founding members, and today, we open to you. Read more